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It could host KMC Workbench. The KMC N4 Supervisor is the current version that can communicate with JACE AX controllers as well as newer JACE. 8000 controllers. Additional information about Niagara platforms, installation and operation Workbench is available in the fol- lowing documents. • Niagara 4 Platform Guide.This manual provides basic information about the Niagara 4 Framework and Workbench as well as reference information to help systems integrators and Workbench Problems. How to manually license the Workbench · Jace boot failure after cleaning/converting AX to N4, Niagara 4.0 and 4.1 2021 date issue In this comprehensive reference manual regarding Sedona Framework, components from Tridium-release kits are explained along with Contemporary Controls' hardware
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